Studio Next

October 28, 2009

Studio next is a collaboration project. Industrial design, Mid and Multimedia departments worked together. There were 5 projects in Studio Next. Eye tracker, Spacebox, Pixie Engine, Farm, Finance. This video that I did is explaining Studio Next. It was really fun because it was my first time using Adobe Flash. It took a while to learn but I guess it turned out good.

We were inspired by London underground subway systems.

I worked with Paul Gillespie making this video.

Spacebox Project

October 28, 2009

This was a project that I work for the first 6 weeks of my senior year. It was collaboration project mostly. We worked with MID and Multimedia departments. Spacebox is an temporary housing system that has been used as dorms and apartment complexes in Europe. The company came to our school – University of The Arts – and offered us to use the Spacebox for dorms as well, but they wanted us to “Americanize” it.

More information visit

The area for this project is 135′ by 75′ and the units size is 9′ x 9′ x 25′. The part where I took a part was working on the layout of the units in the empty lot. We could have fit 60 units inside but we decided to keep it low. The reason behind this was, we are an art school right in the middle of the Avenua of The Art.

1-aDorms. Front row is the gallery space.


Live-work-sell concept. Student will be living at the top floor, 2nd floor is their studio and the 1th floor is where they sell their products.

Urban Farm Cart

October 28, 2009

Junior project. We had to come up with mobile cart design for urban farmers, which will help the farmer from harvesting to growing to selling. Cartmap_finalfinalWe tried to make it as light as possible. The lids can be used as shelf or even a stool. You can store your canape and other stuff in the bottom compartment.


final_in the farmThis picture is an action shot of the cart when it is ready for selling. We used regular milk crates and add special hooks to them that we have designed.

In this project I worked with Chris Mufalli, Adam Rusiski and Tim Peet